Creation Speaker: Bill Clifton, The Science Rebel
Bill Clifton is also known as "The Science Rebel" because he challenges traditional scientific thought and explores our natural world from a creationist, biblical worldview. Bill has spoken at conventions, churches, public and private schools, colleges and universities, science fairs, meetings for homeschoolers, and more. He has lead in-service workshops for teachers; has appeared on local and national radio and television programs; and has been interviewed and featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles.
Bill's passion for sharing science from a creation perspective is exciting and energizing for children and adults alike! Make plans to bring "The Science Rebel" to your event today! Contact Bill or Merilee Clifton at 407-808-4458 (cell / text) or [email protected] for details. Creation topics are listed below.
The Relevance of Genesis in Developing a Christian Worldview
In today’s culture, we live with the tension between two worldviews – one based on biblical authority and the other on secular humanism.Today the evolutionary message is blatant in our schools, on television, in books, movies, newspapers, theme parks, and basically at every turn. Evolution is assumed to be, and often stated as, “fact” by the majority of the secular world. Sadly, many Christians have been deceived by this philosophy. And worse than that – they don’t even realize it! Can you really believe Genesis in our scientifically advanced culture? Do you understand the implications of Christian compromise? Have you been “evolutionized?”
Dinosaurs and the Bible
What is a dinosaur? Are dinosaurs just made up by evolutionists to bolster their secular/humanistic worldview? Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Is there any historical evidence of dinosaurs? Did they live along with man or millions of years ago? Were they on Noah’s Ark? Or, have they been extinct for 65 million years? What can we really know about them? And, what about fossils? What are they, and how are they made? Answers to these questions may enlighten and surprise you!
Noah’s Ark and the Worldwide Flood
The story of Noah’s ark and the worldwide flood has been told for centuries with variations in cultures all over the world. Is this story really true? Could one man really build a boat that big? How could all the animals fit on the ark? Were dinosaurs on it? Did the flood destroy every living thing? Was it global or possibly just local? Where did all that water come from – and where did it go? Is there any geological evidence of a worldwide flood? What do scientists say? And what does all this mean to me today? Learn fascinating parallels between the ark of Noah and Jesus Christ.
Marine Science – a Sea of Evidence
Bill draws from his years of experience as head of SeaWorld Orlando’s Education Department and his creationist perspective to share with you key insights from the sea, such as design, symmetry, camouflage, and symbiosis. Can a male sea animal give birth? Are there fish that have their own lighting systems? What sea animal has eyes as big as soccer balls? Why do marine mammals have tails that move up and down instead of side to side like fish? And why are marine mammals born tail first instead of head first like land mammals? By exploring the depths, we can see the handiwork of our Creator, Who spoke into existence an intricately designed world, revealing Himself and the Truth of His word.
The Heavens Declare!
Bill focuses on astronomy in an “out of this world” presentation! He’ll compare and contrast the biblical and secular worldviews of astronomy and the origin of the universe. Topics include astronomy vs. astrology, astronomy in the Bible, the earth, moon, stars, constellations, meteors, planets, our Solar System, galaxies, and the universe. Arrangements may also be made to schedule a “Gospel in the Stars” astronomy presentation in the Cliftons’ STARLAB, a portable planetarium that seats 30 people.
A Commentary on Salt
“You are the salt of the earth,” Matthew 5:13. Jesus, the “Master Chemist,” called His disciples “salt.” Out of the hundreds of minerals on earth, why did He compare them to salt? What does that mean? What is salt made of? What is its religious significance? What were its uses in Bible times and now? What are its unique characteristics? Salt is stored in a saltshaker. But, it is useless until it’s poured out. Are you being salt to those around you? Christian journalist Cal Thomas said, “If the world is meat, and the believers are salt, whose fault is it if the meat goes bad?"
Bill's passion for sharing science from a creation perspective is exciting and energizing for children and adults alike! Make plans to bring "The Science Rebel" to your event today! Contact Bill or Merilee Clifton at 407-808-4458 (cell / text) or [email protected] for details. Creation topics are listed below.
The Relevance of Genesis in Developing a Christian Worldview
In today’s culture, we live with the tension between two worldviews – one based on biblical authority and the other on secular humanism.Today the evolutionary message is blatant in our schools, on television, in books, movies, newspapers, theme parks, and basically at every turn. Evolution is assumed to be, and often stated as, “fact” by the majority of the secular world. Sadly, many Christians have been deceived by this philosophy. And worse than that – they don’t even realize it! Can you really believe Genesis in our scientifically advanced culture? Do you understand the implications of Christian compromise? Have you been “evolutionized?”
Dinosaurs and the Bible
What is a dinosaur? Are dinosaurs just made up by evolutionists to bolster their secular/humanistic worldview? Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? Is there any historical evidence of dinosaurs? Did they live along with man or millions of years ago? Were they on Noah’s Ark? Or, have they been extinct for 65 million years? What can we really know about them? And, what about fossils? What are they, and how are they made? Answers to these questions may enlighten and surprise you!
Noah’s Ark and the Worldwide Flood
The story of Noah’s ark and the worldwide flood has been told for centuries with variations in cultures all over the world. Is this story really true? Could one man really build a boat that big? How could all the animals fit on the ark? Were dinosaurs on it? Did the flood destroy every living thing? Was it global or possibly just local? Where did all that water come from – and where did it go? Is there any geological evidence of a worldwide flood? What do scientists say? And what does all this mean to me today? Learn fascinating parallels between the ark of Noah and Jesus Christ.
Marine Science – a Sea of Evidence
Bill draws from his years of experience as head of SeaWorld Orlando’s Education Department and his creationist perspective to share with you key insights from the sea, such as design, symmetry, camouflage, and symbiosis. Can a male sea animal give birth? Are there fish that have their own lighting systems? What sea animal has eyes as big as soccer balls? Why do marine mammals have tails that move up and down instead of side to side like fish? And why are marine mammals born tail first instead of head first like land mammals? By exploring the depths, we can see the handiwork of our Creator, Who spoke into existence an intricately designed world, revealing Himself and the Truth of His word.
The Heavens Declare!
Bill focuses on astronomy in an “out of this world” presentation! He’ll compare and contrast the biblical and secular worldviews of astronomy and the origin of the universe. Topics include astronomy vs. astrology, astronomy in the Bible, the earth, moon, stars, constellations, meteors, planets, our Solar System, galaxies, and the universe. Arrangements may also be made to schedule a “Gospel in the Stars” astronomy presentation in the Cliftons’ STARLAB, a portable planetarium that seats 30 people.
A Commentary on Salt
“You are the salt of the earth,” Matthew 5:13. Jesus, the “Master Chemist,” called His disciples “salt.” Out of the hundreds of minerals on earth, why did He compare them to salt? What does that mean? What is salt made of? What is its religious significance? What were its uses in Bible times and now? What are its unique characteristics? Salt is stored in a saltshaker. But, it is useless until it’s poured out. Are you being salt to those around you? Christian journalist Cal Thomas said, “If the world is meat, and the believers are salt, whose fault is it if the meat goes bad?"
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Questions? Contact Bill or Merilee Clifton at 407-808-4458 (cell / text) or [email protected].
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Home | Creation Field Trips | Creation Workshops | Calendar | Creation Speaker
Questions? Contact Bill or Merilee Clifton at 407-808-4458 (cell / text) or [email protected].
Copyright © 2024 by Science Partners LLC. All rights reserved.